Elevate your Self-trust and Intuition 2.0
An Empowering Online Course to Help Women Master Their Thoughts, Embrace Their Emotions, and Trust in Their Inner Wisdom
To take notes of your journey, noting your goals, desires, positive outcomes and track your pgrogress.
Each session is designed to guide bring to your awareness what is stopping you from trusting and believing in yourself. We believe Awareness creates change and when you delve deep into your transformation you can uncover any unwanted beliefs that may be holding you back and stopping you from reaching the success you want.
We have created some powerful hypnotherapy and visualisation recordings to continue integrating the changes in your life. Each week you will be required to listen to an audio to integrate what you have learnt with final audio to continue your transformation.
What to expect with Sian Collins & Claire Linturn
Course Terms and conditions
A message from Claire Linturn
How to use this course
Quick guide for your reflection workbook
Before you begin...
Week 1 - Video
Week 1 - Reflection Workbook
Diamond Core Values Wheel Explainer
Week 1 - Audio Journey with Claire and Sian
Week 1 - Q & A
What are you biggest takeaways this week?
Week 2 - Video
Week 3 Video
Week 3 - Reflection Workbook
Tell us about your Inner Diamond
Week 4 Video
Week 4 - Reflection workbook