Introducing our "Feeling Free From Anxiety Program": A Solution for Teens Facing Emotional Challenges.

Adolescence can be a tumultuous time for many teens, leaving them grappling with low confidence and overwhelming emotions. Often, they struggle silently, unsure of how to seek support or express their feelings. As a parent, witnessing your teen's struggles can be distressing, leaving you feeling helpless and uncertain about how best to assist them.

Recognising the need for accessible support, we've developed the "Feeling Free From Anxiety Program." This program is designed to empower teens with the knowledge and tools to navigate their anxiety and worrying thoughts effectively. By delving into the science behind their emotions, teens gain invaluable insights into their own experiences, fostering greater self-awareness and understanding.

Through our program, teens will acquire practical techniques that promote self-regulation and emotional balance, leading to increased confidence and overall happiness. We firmly believe that every teenager can benefit from the strategies offered in this course, experiencing profound and lasting transformations.

Utilising approaches such as hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, breathwork and visualisation our program facilitates a shift in thought patterns, empowering teens to cultivate a mindset rooted in positivity and resilience. Additionally, parents who engage with the program can also experience personal growth and insight.

Accessible and flexible, "Feeling Free From Anxiety" is an online course that accommodates the busy schedules of teens and parents alike. With just 15 minutes twice a day over three weeks, teens can engage with the material at their convenience, whether it's during the day or as part of a calming nighttime routine.

Empower your teen to overcome their challenges and embrace a life free from anxiety. Join us on this transformative journey towards greater confidence, happiness, and emotional well-being.

Benefits for Teens

  • Insight into Emotions: Teens will gain insight into their emotions, understanding the underlying reasons for their feelings and how these emotions influence their behavior.

  • Self-Discovery: Through the program, teens will have the opportunity to better understand themselves, exploring their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a supportive environment

  • Emotional Connection: The program encourages teens to connect with their feelings on a deeper level, fostering emotional awareness and promoting a healthy relationship with their emotions

  • Self-Regulation Tools: Teens will acquire practical tools and techniques to regulate their emotions independently, empowering them to navigate challenging situations with resilience and composure.

  • Breathing and Visualisation: The program teaches teens valuable skills such as breathing exercises, hypnosis and visualisation techniques, providing effective ways to manage stress and anxiety in daily life

  • Positive Thinking: Empowering teens to generate positive thoughts, the program instills a mindset of optimism and resilience, equipping them with the confidence to overcome obstacles and thrive

Support for Parents

  • Peace of Mind: Parents can experience relief knowing that their teens are actively addressing their anxiety through a structured hypnosis course, potentially reducing parental worry and stress

  • Improved Family Dynamics: As teens learn coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques through the course, it can lead to more harmonious interactions within the family, fostering better communication and understanding between parents and teens.

  • Long-term Solutions: By participating in a hypnosis course for anxiety, teens may develop skills that offer lasting relief from anxiety symptoms, reducing the need for frequent interventions and providing parents with confidence in their child's ability to manage stressors independently.

  • Enhanced Parent-Teen Bond: Supporting teens through the hypnosis course demonstrates parental care and involvement in their well-being, which can strengthen the bond between parents and teens as they navigate the challenges of anxiety together.

  • Personal Growth Opportunities: Parents may find that their own understanding of anxiety and mental health improves as they engage with their teens during the course, leading to personal growth and a deeper connection with their child's experiences.

What's included in the course

Easy, Simple, tried and tested solutions to managing difficult thoughts and feelings

  • 1


    • How to use this platform

    • Meet your mentors

    • Terms and Conditions

  • 2


    • Prepare for your journey

    • What to expect?

    • Hypnosis Audio Instructions

    • Hypnosis Audio Download 21 Days

    • Full Reflection Journal to download and print

    • Checklist to Print

    • Survey - Start of the programme

  • 3

    21 Day Audio

    • Free from anxiety recording - Download

  • 4

    Day 1 - You are not alone - Understand you are not alone and change is now available and real.

    • Feeling Free

    • Breathe with ease and flow

    • How are you doing so far?

    • Reflections Download Day 1

    • Daily Insight

  • 5

    Day 2 - Your Mind is Keeping You Safe - Discover the biological reason for the anxiety.

    • Your mind is keeping you safe!

    • Empower

    • Be Inspired by YOU

    • Reflections Download Day 2

    • Daily Insight - 2

  • 6

    Day 3 - Looping Thoughts - Be empowered to cultivate more positive thoughts

    • Looping Thoughts

    • Thoughts, Feeling and Actions

    • Reflections Download for Day 3

    • Want to change a thought from I can't to I can?

    • Daily Insight - 3

  • 7

    Day 4 - Familiar Vs Unfamiliar – Discover a powerful mind hack and make unpleasant thoughts unfamilar

    • Familiar vs Unfamiliar

    • Empowered

    • The ball and the mobile phone!!!!

    • Be Inspired by your power of Repetition

    • Daily Insight - 4

  • 8

    Day 5 - Path of Choice – Discover the superpowers of breathing nd visualisation to feel calm

    • Recap and Path of Choice

    • Day 5 Final

    • Your greatest takeaway tool

    • Daily Insight - 5

  • 9

    Day 6 - – More and Better to Come – Become more aware of your reactions and feel empowered to manage them effectively

    • More and better to come

    • Visualise yourself being calm, relaxed and happy

    • Reflections Download Day 6

    • Daily Insight - 6

  • 10

    Day 7 - Feelings Creeping Up - Be empowered and equipped with tools to deal with the worrying feelings when they creep up.

    • Feelings creeping up

    • Anchor a good feeling

    • Checking in

    • Daily Insight - 7

  • 11

    Day 8 - Managing the Inner Dialogue- Gain skills to navigate and overcome inner negative self-talk.

    • Managing your inner dialogue

    • Speak to the part

    • Workbook Download Day 8

    • Daily Insight - 8

  • 12

    Day 9 - Invitation to Dream

    • What IF....?

    • Day 9 Your mind does what it thinks you want it to do

    • Reflection download Day 9

    • Daily Insight - 9

  • 13

    Day 10 - One Thing to Pay Attention To

    • Day 10 - One Thing - You have the power within you

    • Day 10 - You have the Power within YOU

    • Reflection download Day 10

    • Daily Insight - 10

  • 14

    Day 11 - The Hardest thing is to show Up

    • Day 11 - Show up and just do it!

    • Day 11 Calming the feelings

    • Daily Insight - 11

  • 15

    Day 12 - Today is better than yesterday – Take one small step at a time, you've got this.

    • Day 12 - What are you proud of?

    • Day 12 - Believe in yourself

    • Make your Dreams come true

    • Daily Insight

    • Survey - 12 days

  • 16

    21 Days Congratulations and Thank You

    • Before you go.....

  • 17

    Bonus - Set you day up for Success Audio

    • Intention Of the Day Audio - Setting your day up for success

  • 18

    Bonus - Sleep Hypnosis Audio

    • Deep Restorative Sleep

  • 19

    Bonus - Exam Confidence and Success Hypnosis

    • Boost focus and confidence for Study and Exam Success

  • 20

    Bonus - Positive Thought Generator Hypnosis

    • Transform negative thoughts and install powerful positive thoughts

    • Positive Thought Generator Step by Step Guide

  • 21

    Bonus - Boost your Potential Self - Esteem and Confidence Hypnosis

    • Introduction to Self-esteem and Confidence Audio

    • Are you Ready to Shine? - Shining like a diamond for installing self-esteem and boosting confidence

What to expect

  • Only 15 mins max of educational and supportive videos

  • Daily Reflection workbook

  • Short daily activities

  • 20 mins max of additional hypnosis audio

  • Easy on demand access from your phone or PC

3 Simple Steps

We know teens and young adults want simple steps to feel good about themselves and with our FYM Pathway we deliver simple and easy to use strategies.


    Providing teens and young adults with the perfect solutions to understand their thoughts and feelings.


    Learn how to manage their thoughts and feelings, so they feel in control of them rather than visa versa.


    Trust and believe in themselves to accept their feelings and use them more positively

Bonus materials

As a bonus we have included our bundle of powerful hypnosis audios to bring about long-term change to your teen.

  • Positive Thought Generator

    This audio help the listener overcome the unhelpful self-doubting and negative thoughts and generate positive confident thoughts. Worth £19.99

  • Better Sleep

    Brings the listener into relaxation, relaxing the body and preparing the mind to drift into sleep. Worth £19.99

  • Intention of the Day

    Set yourself up for a successful day with this powerful intention 4 minute audio


This is YOUR journey to be free from anxiety and be YOU

Our Customer reviews

What Student's are saying

'I know how to change negative thoughts to positive one, I can choose how I want to feel, I feel more motivated to study, I am using the strategies in lots of situations

What Parents are syaing

My daughter is much calmer and I have learnt some great tools for myself

What teachers are saying

Our students are finding they can use the audio's at different times when they are struggling to help them reset and feel calmer

Mentors and Coaches

Free Young Minds .

We are Javier Orti, Tessa Grazzini and Claire Linturn, the joint founders and Directors of FYM. With over 30 years of experience working with teenagers and young adults, FYM results from our passion and professionalism. “We imagine a generation of future adults feeling happy and free to be the best version of themselves. And we are going to do our absolute best to help them.” (Javier, Tessa, Claire)


  • Product Information

    You will access this online programme via Master Your Greatness learning platform. You can access from a desktop or from your mobile phone. Once you have purchased the product you will receive an email with a link to access the online platform and be asked to sign in to create your own profile. Within the programme you will move through 12 days of expert coaching and various excercises and tools which are broken down into short 3/5 min videos. You will want to allow a minimum of 20 minutes a day. After the 12 days you will gain access to a powerful 21 day audio to wire in everything that has been learnt during the programme into the subconcious mind and  open the door for lasting change to be free from anxiety. If you have any problems with access please contact [email protected]

  • Your Purchase

    Due to our products being either a digital download or a consultation service, these products do not come with an option for a refund. However if you have an issue or questions or are having any difficulty with your products please reach out to us. We are here to help you.   Please contact us at: [email protected]

  • Login details for the programme

    You will receive a confirmation and thank you email with direct access to the downloadable digital products with login details for the programme. Please check your junk email once you have signed in. Any problems please contact [email protected]

  • Disclaimer

    Our products are for self development and you must not rely on Free Young Minds or information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter or if you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on our website. Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ to those shown on this site.

  • Terms and Conditions

    Liability: by accessing this course, I hereby release Free Young Minds ltd (FYM), it’s staff and directors from any liability or claims that could be made against them concerning my mental and/or physical well-being during the work that has been outlined and agreed upon (now and in the future) by filling out this form. Eligibility. FYM online programs are designed to be used for if you are 16 years or older. If you are under 18 years of age (or the age of legal majority in your country of residence), you are welcome to use our online courses as long as you have the approval of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these terms. Scope of Practice: I understand that the staff at FYM are not a licensed physician, psychologist, or medical practitioner of any kind and that neither this course or any of its materials should not be considered a replacement for the advice and/or services, of a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or doctor. Participation: I understand that I participate on this online program voluntary and that by doing that I will be exposed to concepts and materials extracted or based on hypnosis, coaching and other therapies. I also understand that listening to the videos and audio recording daily play an important role in the overall success. Guarantee: I understand that although Feeling Free From Anxiety program has an incredibly high success rate, FYM cannot and does not guarantee results since my own personal success depends on many factors that the therapist has no control over, including the person’s willingness and desire to affect the changes inside of themselves. Abreactions: “Abreaction” means an emotional release resulting from mentally reliving or bringing into consciousness, through the process of catharsis, a long- repressed, painful experience. I understand that abreaction can occur during or after the therapeutic sessions. Confidentiality: By accepting the T&C's this form, I consent that FYM will keep my information and use it accordingly to the data protection protocols in the UK. FYM may release information to a specific individual or agency if it has been determined that a young person or elder is at risk of or is currently being abused, if the or in imminent danger to themselves or others; or if a subpoena of records has been requested. Intellectual property. At all times, FYM will retain ownership of the intellectual property contained within the courses and the accompanying course